Dealing with Nervousness

Sun Sep 21, 2014 ∙ 17:11pm ∙ Donald The Dialect Coach

The number one reason why actors hate auditioning (and why you shouldn’t) is because they get nervous.

Most actors are misunderstanding their nerves.

Nervousness is excitement disguised.

This thought should become an integral part of your acting and life! Nervousness is negative. Everything about nervousness draws you in and take you away from connecting in the scene. On the other hand, excitement brings you into the scene. Excitement is a positive thing!

The next time that you feel “nervous, “during an audition, stop and realize that it’s just excitement, then channel it into a focused and alive performance. This will lead you to some amazing audition moments.

If you catch yourself saying, “I’m nervous about this audition,” CHANGE YOUR WORDING and say, “I’m excited about this audition.”

You have every reason to be EXCITED about an audition. It’s a great opportunity for you to do what you were born to do! There’s no reason to be nervous, you should, instead, be THRILLED.


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