Color the Verbs

Sun Sep 21, 2014 ∙ 17:21pm ∙ Donald The Dialect Coach

What do I mean by coloring them? I mean give them full meaning. Make the audience feel like they saw an action, even though they only heard it.


Let’s use this sentence as an example:


            I wrestled a bear once.


Some actors may be tempted to say:


            I wrestled a bear once. 


            I wrestled a bear once.


You can see that those delivery choices don’t have as much potential for meaning.


“Wrestled” is a GREAT action verb!


 What you need to do is make that verb sound like what it means. Once you do that, the choices are limitless.


You could say the word, “wrestled” as if wrestling is scary. You could say the word as if it was an aggressive action. There are limitless options. You’ve gone from not knowing what word to use, to knowing exactly what word to select and having options about how to use it.


This is a real gift in the audition room.


By focusing on the action verb and making it sound like what it means, it gives you a choice - A choice to make in front of the decision makers.


When you’re cold reading, you should be hunting for those action verbs constantly.


Another sentence is:


            I need you to chop the carrots.


The word, “chop” sounds like exactly what it means. When you chop something, it’s quick and it’s sudden, so say the word that way.


            I need you to chop the carrots.


Use that action verb but don’t use the pronoun.


Do not say:


            I need you to chop the carrots.


When you go into a cold read, if you search for the action verbs and color each one in a unique way, the Casting Director is going to see an actor that is making AWESOME choices  that NOBODY else is making.


This make you an INCREDIBLE cold reader because you’re reading a script for the first time and automatically breathing life into each sentence.


If the writing in the script is good, nearly every sentence will have a strong action verb that you can really sink your teeth into. You’ll be able to show the Casting Director, Director, and/or producer exactly what you are capable of in every audition.


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